QBCC to crack-down on building offences

Starting on the 1st of July 2015 stricter penalties will come into affect for contractors who commit building offences under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 and/or the Domestic Building Contracts Act 2000.

So what are the changes and what do they mean to you and your business? Largely the changes herald an increased number of demerit offences and great demerit points per offence. Offences attracting the greatest demerit (ten points) are as follow:

  • Contractors carrying out building work without a nominee
  • Carrying out unauthorised fire protection work
  • Licensed contractors assisting unlicensed contractors In undertaking building work in breach of section 42 of the QBCC Act
  • Carrying out defective or incomplete work and failing to rectify the issue when directed to by QBCC

It is now of the utmost importance for head contractors to ensure they engage appropriately licensed subcontractors, lest they find themselves in breach of the QBCC Act. Likewise, head contractors should ensure that subcontracts enforce an obligation to comply with requirements of the QBCC Act.

Remember that the accrual of 30 or more demerit points within a three year period results in the cancellation your contractor’s license and disqualification from holding a contractor’s license for three years. A further 30 points within ten years results in disqualification for life.

If you have any questions surrounding penalties under the QBCC Act or would like more information, feel free to contact me at Allyson@test2.gpla.com.au.

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