What to Look for During your Pre-Settlement Inspections


When purchasing a property, many of my clients are unaware that they are entitled to a pre-settlement inspection with the agent. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that everything is per the contract conditions. This includes that all the chattels are present and all the excluded fixtures are removed.

I advise my clients to take note of the following when attending their inspection:

  • Ensure that the property is entirely vacant. I have had an instance where clients have turned up a few hours before settlement and there were, as was described to me ‘two dogs the
    size of horses’ bounding around the lot;
  • Ensure that the property has not been damaged since first inspected by you. Sometimes, difficult tenants may leave the property in disrepair or the property may be damaged by other means – this is good to know prior to settlement;
  • Check that all power points and lights are working. I always recommend that my clients take a hair dryer or other appliance to their inspection so that they can test the power points;
  • Ensure that all included chattels as per the Contract are present;
  • Ensure all of the excluded items as per the Contract have been removed.
  • Pre-settlement inspections are vital to ensure that you are getting what you pay for.

If you have questions about pre-settlement inspections or would like help with a conveyancing matter you can email me at tayla@gpla.com.au or call Greenhalgh Pickard Solicitors and Accountants on 07 5444 1022.

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