The COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa is ending!

Home » The COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa is ending!

Written by: Chris Wessels

The Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) (COVID‑19 Pandemic Event) is closing. From 2 September 2023, the Pandemic Event visa will only be available to people who already hold a Pandemic Event visa.

The Visa Introduction

Introduced by the Australian Government in April 2020, the Pandemic Event visa initially served the purpose of legally permitting temporary visa holders to continue their stay in Australia while the country’s borders remained closed due to the pandemic’s impact. It also sought to address shortages of labor within critical sectors of the local economy. With Australia’s borders now reopened and the number of temporary visa holders having returned to pre-COVID-19 levels, the necessity of the Pandemic Event visa has diminished.

This action is intended to support the implementation of more streamlined and regulated visa pathways while fostering the normalisation of the movement of temporary migrants in and out of Australia. This measure is poised to play a pivotal role in ensuring that individuals select the appropriate visa category that aligns with the purpose of their intended travel and stay within Australia.


Current Holders

The announcement does not change the visa expiry date of existing Pandemic Event visa holders.

Current Temporary Activity visa holders may be eligible for a subsequent for up to 6 months on or after 2 September 2023. This will apply until the visa is closed to all applications on 1 February 2024. All other visa holders will be ineligible for the Pandemic Event visa from 2 September 2023.

Pandemic Event visa holders with a visa expiring after February 2024 will not be eligible for another Pandemic Event visa. This cohort should explore other visa options if they wish to remain in Australia or make arrangements to depart before their visa expires.

Employers of Pandemic Event visa holders should check what the visa holder’s plans are. It is an employer’s responsibility to ensure their workers hold a visa with work rights or they risk significant penalties. Employers can check their workers’ visa conditions and period of stay using VEVO.


Need Assistance?

Our Migration Solicitors are here to assist you in finding a suitable visa. If you are a current Temporary Activity visa holder, contact Greenhalgh Pickard today to sort out your next steps.

Contact our Migration Lawyers today to discuss partner visas.

Ph: 5444 1022

Article was written on 30th August 2023. The above information provided in this article is not meant to be used as Legal or Immigration Advice.  Please check the Department of Home Affairs website for any information relating to Immigration as various conditions and visa requirements as they are updated by the Department of Home Affairs. – Remember each case is different and the above is only a very brief summary of some of the elements one has to consider prior to applying. There is a lot more details to consider in Australian Migration Law and Regulations. Please consider speaking to an Immigration Lawyer or Immigration Agent for assistance with your specific set of circumstances and any Immigration questions you might have, as they can assess your chances of the possibility of getting your visa and guide you through the process.

Greenhalgh Pickard’s Migration Law Team


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