Are you a victim of Unfair Inheritance?

Have you been left out of a will? Or received less than you should have?

We can help. At Greenhalgh Pickard, we can advise you on your rights and how you can enforce them.

We are always mindful of the potential legal costs involved and we have successfully negotiated many settlements without the need for litigation. We now also offer no win, no fee on some Family Provision matters. This saves both you and the estate considerable cost and meaning the value of the estate is not substantially reduced by legal costs and more is available for distribution.

Be careful about the strict time limits involved in these matters!

  • If you want to challenge a will on the basis that the willmaker did not have the (mental) capacity to make a will, you must lodge a caveat in the Supreme Court before the executors apply for probate of the will. Probate can be applied for 14 days after the executors publish notice that they will apply;
  • If you want to apply for provision (or greater provision) from the estate, as a general rule you only have 6 months from the death of the willmaker to give notice to the executors of your claim and a further 3 months to start court action.

If you believe you have a claim on an estate, contact Greenhalgh Pickard as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss any of the time limits.

Peter Griffin

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