The silent abuse of Elders

Elder abuse is an increasing problem in our society, often hard to identify and with many ways it can be inflicted on vulnerable older people. It is important to identify the signs of abuse early and understand the available legal rights. Elder abuse occurs where...

Stop Clowning Around

The current creepy clown craze now terrifying communities in Australia poses risks, not only for the public at large, but also the offenders, where their actions may lead to criminal charges ranging from assault to more seriously manslaughter or even murder. A person...

The role of the Jury in our Court

The High Court in the recent Gerard Baden-Clay decision restoring the verdict of murder reminds us of the fundamental function of the jury to determine the issues of fact. Given the role of the jury trial in our criminal justice system and as representatives of the...

Deceased Estates Tax

When a person dies their tax obligations do not die with them.  It is usually necessary to lodge a tax return for the financial year in which they died. However, if the deceased was not required to lodge a tax return before their death there may be no need to lodge a...