Early access to Super

Home » Articles » Page 4   As at the end of June 2020, Australian’s had accessed $25billion in early access Super, a Government scheme put in place to help people financially affected by the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic. When the scheme first opened back on April...

Returning to work

Developing your ‘Return to Work’ plan needs to include more than just hand sanitizerFollowing the Government’s 3 Step Framework released on 8 May 2020, many employers who have had their business closed or restricted during the COVID-19 period are working out a...
When is Entertainment Tax Deductible?

When is Entertainment Tax Deductible?

As an employer, you might find yourself taking your team out for lunch from time to time, participating in team leisure activities, or purchasing a gift for an employee. Did you know that some entertainment is tax deductible? In this article, we look at what we mean...
New Home Office Guidelines released by the ATO

New Home Office Guidelines released by the ATO

With more and more people working from home, the ATO has announced a temporary short cut method to make it easier for individual taxpayers to claim deductions for additional ‘at-home’ running expenses (please refer to the ATO’s Media Release of 7 April 2020). During...