Cryptocurrency and Taxes – We can help!
Did you know Greenhalgh Pickard can now help with your Cryptocurrency Tax obligations? Crypto trades and transactions require meticulous record keeping and we at Greenhalgh Pickard have developed a spreadsheet to assist with this.
Contact Greenhalgh Pickard today to discuss how we can help
Cryptocurrency and Tax Time
In case you missed it in our most recent newsletter, here’s some other information you might find useful as we get closer to Tax Time.
Remember, if you amend prior returns to include the Crypto CGT you can reduce/avoid potential ATO fees and auditing when you get flagged in the system.
The ATO has become aware that some taxpayers think that the anonymity of cryptocurrencies provides a licence to ignore their tax obligations, and are therefore not reporting their cryptocurrency capital gains or losses.
However the ATO is able to closely track where it interacts with the real world through data from banks, financial institutions and online cryptocurrency exchanges to follow the money back to the taxpayer.
Greenhalgh Pickard are here to help
To discuss any queries you have regarding your Cryptocurrency, contact us today on (07) 5444 1022 or email
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