HELP Debt Changes for International Australians


Proposed legislation brought to light recently, has changed the recovery method of overseas HELP debts.

Previously, if Australians were living outside of Australia after accruing a HELP or HECS debt, they were not required to pay the debt back until re-entering the Country. Now, if living overseas for more than 6 months with a HELP Debt still applicable as of July 2017, you will be required to start payments regardless of where you live.

Eligibility for payments still applies and is as follows:

  • Have a HECS/HELP debt as of July 1, 2017
  • Lived overseas for more than six continuous months
  • Earn equivalent income above threshold, currently $54,126

Payments can be made by using the MyGov site to notify the ATO of your income threshold. The ATO will then issue a request for payment and a timeline to reconcile the debt

Penalties can apply for those who avoid repaying their HELP/HECS debts. Fines of up to $3,600 AU, if income is not disclosed upon re-entry into Australia can dampen the best holiday spirit.

To avoid any confusion, voluntary payments are a great idea to reduce the amount that could be compulsory if the above circumstances apply to you. These pre-payments can be made by contacting the ATO on 132 861 for a PRN (Payment Reference Number). BPAY, Credit Card, Cheque and Direct Deposit are all excepted methods.

As for the HELP repayment bonus received when making pre-payments on a debt, these will be removed as of January 1st, 2017.

If you require information about HECS/HELP debts or new legislation, you can call us on 07 5444 1022 or email

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