‘Tis the season to co-operate

christmas-family-2Christmas can be a difficult time for separated parents. If possible, try to keep in mind the needs and wishes of your children when deciding arrangements for Christmas.

In most circumstances, children will want to spend time with both their parents, despite the fact that the parents have separated. Whilst separated parents may hate one another, children rarely share those same feelings. To them, each parent is massively important.

Try and put in place arrangements that work from the children’s perspective, even if that means altering what you might ultimately want for the day. If there are extended distances involved, consider allowing the children to remain at one parent’s house for the entire day and then reverse that process the following year, rather than forcing the children to spend the day travelling rather than enjoying the fun.

The biggest gift you can give your child at Christmas is a stress-free environment where they feel comfortable and not scared of their warring parents…oh yes and chocolate!

Happy Christmas!

For any information regarding family law matters, you can call us on 07 5444 1022 or email us at info@gpla.com.au.


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